The Neutrino
''The Neutrino, which speak of radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays, visible rays, ultraviolet and x-rays and gamma rays leaves you proclaiming, instead of, "Another Saturday night and I aint' got nobody," to," All you need is a good friend and a good book." The most interesting chapter, 'Neutrino Astronomy' and the threshold of the prior chapters which exonerate for starters just some of the findings on a specific type of atom - which do not necessarily feature atom splitting, although that is covered somewhat, Russian professor and science-fiction lover author Isaac Asimov writes about science such as to draw your interest. "One great natural source of neutrinos in the universe is the radioactive atoms. Radioactive transformations, occurring among isotopes that are unstable but have such long half-lives that they have existed all through the earth's lifetime, almost always involve the production of beta particles followed by beta particles, or of alpha particles followed by beta particles. The reverse case, the emission of positions, does not take place among the radioactive atoms that occur naturally in the earth's crust."
One of the most interesting facts mentioned in the book and in the prior chapter is that the Earth's crust emits 175,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of antineutrinos per second. Also, although these antineutrinos are passing through the atmosphere and through the earth on a regular basis, it would be a rare occurrence for the human body to absorb one. In a somewhat contrast of impactual energy levels, the Sun which heats our Earth radiates at 5.6 x 10 (27) cal/min. But who or what is producing all of that energy? Where does it come from? Is it being borrowed from somewhere else? Nothingness? The sun which remains at a mass of 335,500 greater than earth seems to be a giant ball of earth heating coal that goes steady and strong and does not ever burn out.
With the law of the conservation of energy, an Asimov base of light remains at the core of the meaning of this simple composition here. But when scientists try to figure out the depth and weight of matter or the amount of time age of the sun and whether or not it's particles might begin to dissipate or dissolve into radioactive energy or to explain this in a more understandable way - the sun could lose parts of itself or fall away someday and for a number of even concrete scientific reasons. And this is where the complexities come. So, just for fun, and now that thinking about that has hopefully gotten your attention, here is a mini pop-quiz taken directly from the book. So, choose which of these three theories ahead which you believe based on what you believe to be true matches what you truly know as follows:
0 " "The law of conservation of energy did not hold everywhere in the universe and, in particular, did not hold on the Sun-in which case, "all bets were off."
0 "The law of conservation did hold on the Sun, and the geologists and biologists were somehow wrong in their interpretation of the evidence they had mustered, so that the earth was only a brief few million years old."
0 "The law of conservation did hold on the Sun, but there was some source of energy as yet unknown to science which, when discovered, would allow for the Sun's radiating in its present fashion for billions of years, thus reconciling physical theory with the views of geologists and biologists."
The book also explores whether the scientific laws of non-conservation as well as those of conservation apply to the marvelous world of the atom. Interesting enough, upon personal observation, it is found that the ideal of the scientists' cloud chamber and the also world of the particles and atoms - remember those symbols your science-teacher felt compelled to encourage you to memorize during middle-school chemistry class lectures? Interestingly, these abbreviations also seem to apply to the structure of the present-day information highway of the internet which seems at times like one giant molecule. (See: What is a Molecule. YouTube). The book also goes into a lot of this and while providing scientific algebraic formulae, that are really rather more simpler and easier to understand than you know once you decide to study them. For example, the formula for the reactions that power the Sun are 4H (1) to He (4).
As the mini film points out the studies and information given by Asimov are of great interest to many scientists and for everything from medical advancement to chemistry this information is helpful for things such as creating new medications that may heal people of disease and may also help us to understand and care better for the universe which we occupy, and which God created for our use and goodness. Although great discoveries and more rapidly than at any time on earth before have been made in just this past few centuries alone, the infinity of what we can learn about space and creation and time is not limited. "Beginning in 1930, it was discovered that when certain elements were exposed to alpha-particle bombardment, a radiation was emitted which could not be detected by the usual methods. How did one know it was there, then? Because if paraffin were placed in the path of such radiation, protons were hurled out. This was like the wind moving the trees: something had to be imparting momentum to the protons." But more phenomenal than that, one day when I was having tea with a very elder relative in her perhaps 100+ years old small home in the state of Missouri, she a teacher and a woman of the one-room schoolhouse back in the day around the early or pre 1960's revealed to me that one of her students became an 'actual' moon-walker astronaut during the 1960's. Now that exploration in heretofore before now scientific history is something and most definitely someone for a teacher to be proud of. But the unrecorded event of the teacher who inspired such a student although not ever recorded in a book is something of more value than one may know. However, whether you plan to build rockets and go to the moon to found future settler condominiums or just read Asimov or a copy of Carl Sagan's 'Cosmos' do most definitely explore and find out what you can about this vast universe. After all, don't you want to know what makes a flower grow? The sun keep glowing.? Water flowing? Don't ever stop learning and discovering all things science. This will help to grow your soul as well as your mind. Now let us see how well you did on the test. Which answer is right? Do you really want to know? If so, I challenge you to make this book your friend. Set aside a Saturday night and read the book to find out. It just may spark a habit and interest that provides enough enjoyment for a lifetime of good reading fellowship.